Platform CLI tutorial

This tutorial walks you through the process of building, testing, and pushing an example app to Zapier using Platform CLI. We’ll use a mock API for recipes in this tutorial, but for production Zapier apps, you’d want to connect to a real API.


  • You’ll need a Zapier account.
  • Your dev environment meets the requirements for running Platform CLI with the proper version of Node.js installed.

  • Install the Platform CLI tool
    # install the CLI globally
    npm install -g zapier-platform-cli

    To see a list of all the available commands in Platform CLI, try zapier help.

  • Next you’ll need to identify yourself via the CLI.
    # setup auth to Zapier's platform with a deploy key
    zapier login

    Zapier writes your deploy key to ~/.zapierrc. You’ll want to keep that file safe and not check it into source control.

1. Start an integration

Use the init command to setup the needed structure. You’ll be presented with a list of available templates to start with.

# create a directory with the minimum required files and choose a template
zapier init example-app
# move into the new directory
cd example-app

Inside the directory, you’ll see a few files. package.json is a typical requirements file of any Node.js application. It’s pre-populated with a few dependencies, most notably the zapier-platform-core, which is what makes your app work with the Zapier Platform. There is also an index.js file and a test directory (more on those later). Before we go any further, we need to install the dependencies for our app:

npm install


index.js is the entry point to your app. This is where the Platform will look to understand how your app will interact with Zapier. Open the app directory you created in your code editor of choice. You’ll see the following in index.js:

  • a single module.exports definition which will be interpreted by Zapier
  • beforeRequest & afterResponse are hooks into the HTTP client to manipulate the request/response on every call
  • triggers will describe ways to trigger off of data in your app
  • searches will describe ways to find data in your app
  • creates will describe ways to create data in your app
  • resources are purely optional but convenient ways to describe CRUD-like objects in your app (see an example resources app)

2. Add a trigger

Add a trigger configured to read data from a mock API:

zapier scaffold trigger recipe

The scaffold creates a new file recipe.js in the triggers folder. When building your own integration, you’ll likely make a contact.js, lead.js or order.js.

Open triggers/recipe.js (file created by zapier scaffold trigger recipe) and replace it with:

const listRecipes = (z, bundle) => {
  z.console.log('hello from a console log!')
  const promise = z.request(
  return promise.then(response => response.json)

module.exports = {
  key: 'recipe',
  noun: 'Recipe',
  display: {
    label: 'New Recipe',
    description: 'Trigger when a new recipe is added.'
  operation: {
    perform: listRecipes,
    sample: {
      id: 1,
      createdAt: 1472069465,
      name: 'Best Spaghetti Ever',
      authorId: 1,
      directions: '1. Boil Noodles\n2.Serve with sauce',
      style: 'italian'

The function definition for listRecipes handles the API work, making the HTTP request and returning a promise that will eventually yield a result.

Promises are essentially synchronous callbacks. The equivalent content of a callback should go inside the .then() portion of a promise.

The listRecipes function receives two arguments, a z object and a bundle object.

  • The Z Object is a collection of utilities needed when working with APIs. In our snippet, we use z.request to make the HTTP call and z.JSON to parse the response.
  • The Bundle Object contains any data needed to make API calls, like authentication credentials or data for a POST body. In our snippet the Bundle is not used, since we don’t require any of those to make our simple GET request.

It is possible to accomplish the same tasks using alternate Node.js libraries, but it is preferable to use the z object as there are features built into these utilities that augment the Zapier experience like logging of HTTP calls and better handling of JSON parsing failures.

In module.exports, we export some metadata plus our listRecipes function and a sample. We’ll explain later how Zapier uses this metadata and exposes it to the end user. For now, know that it satisfies the minimum info required to define a trigger.

As well as defining the trigger, the scaffold command has done the following:

index.js file now includes:

const getRecipe = require('./triggers/recipe')
module.exports = {
  // ...
  triggers: {
    [getRecipe.key]: getRecipe 
  // ...

In test/triggers folder, the recipe.test.js file was created

const App = require('../../index');
const appTester = zapier.createAppTester(App);
// read the `.env` file into the environment, if available;

describe('triggers.recipe', () => {
  it('should run', async () => {
    const bundle = { inputData: {} };

    const results = await appTester(App.triggers.recipe.operation.perform, bundle);
    // TODO: add more assertions

You should be able to run the test with zapier test and see it pass:

zapier test
# Validating project locally
# No structural errors found during validation routine.
# This project is structurally sound!
# ✔ Running integration checks ... 23 checks passed
# Integration checks passed, no issues found.
# Adding /Users/marinahand/.zapierrc to environment as ZAPIER_DEPLOY_KEY...
# Running test suite with the following command:
#  npm run --silent test --
# PASS  test/triggers/recipe.test.js
# PASS  test/triggers.test.js (7.52 s)
# Test Suites: 2 passed, 2 total
# Tests:       3 passed, 3 total
# Snapshots:   0 total
# Time:        9.429 s
# Ran all test suites.

For this example, we’ll stick to a single test, but you can see what multiple tests look like in another of the example apps.

3. Modify a trigger

To let users tweak the cuisine style of recipes they are triggering on, you can provide an input field a user can fill out. In triggers/recipe.js, replace the file with:

const listRecipes = async (z, bundle) => {
  // `z.console.log()` is similar to `console.log()`.
  z.console.log('console says hello world!');

  const params = {};
  if ( { =;

  const requestOptions = {
    url: '',
    params: params,

  const response = await z.request(requestOptions);


module.exports = {
  key: 'recipe',
  noun: 'Recipe',
  display: {
    label: 'New Recipe',
    description: 'Triggers when a new recipe is added.',
  operation: {
    inputFields: [
        key: 'style',
        type: 'string',
        helpText: 'Which styles of cuisine this should trigger on.',
        required: false

    perform: listRecipes,
    sample: {
      id: 1,
      createdAt: 1472069465,
      name: 'Best Spagetti Ever',
      authorId: 1,
      directions: '1. Boil Noodles\n2.Serve with sauce',
      style: 'italian',
    outputFields: [
      { key: 'id', label: 'ID' },
      { key: 'createdAt', label: 'Created At' },
      { key: 'name', label: 'Name' },
      { key: 'directions', label: 'Directions' },
      { key: 'authorId', label: 'Author ID' },
      { key: 'style', label: 'Style' },

See how the input field key "style" was added in the following places:

  • In the inputFields on operation - this defines the field as exposed in the Zap Editor for the user to see. The field is not required, so it could be null.
  • In the listRecipes function - we use the provided style via the bundle

Since you are developing locally, tweak the test to verify everything still works.

In test/trigger, replace the recipe.test.js file with:


const zapier = require('zapier-platform-core');
const App = require('../../index'); 

const appTester = zapier.createAppTester(App);

describe('triggers', () => {
  describe('new recipe trigger', () => {
    it('should load recipes', async () => {
      const bundle = {
        inputData: {
          style: 'style 2',

      const results = await appTester(


      const firstRecipe = results[0];'name 2');
      firstRecipe.directions.should.eql('directions 2');

    it('should load recipes without filters', async () => {
      const bundle = {};

      const results = await appTester(


      const firstRecipe = results[0];'name 1');
      firstRecipe.directions.should.eql('directions 1');

You can run your test again and make sure everything still works:

zapier test

4. Deploy an integration

To take your local app integration and make it available to use in a Zap, you’ll need to push it to Zapier.

You can have many versions of an app, which simplifies making breaking changes and testing in the future. For now, you will push a single version.

Since this is your first time pushing your app version - Zapier will ask you to provide a name and some details about your app with the zapier register command. Follow the prompts and then push your app again.

zapier push
# Preparing to build and upload your app.
#   Copying project to temp directory - done!
#   Installing project dependencies - done!
#   Applying entry point file - done!
#   Validating project - done!
#   Building app definition.json - done!
#   Zipping project and dependencies - done!
#   Cleaning up temp directory - done!
#   Uploading version 1.0.0 - done!
# Push complete! Built build/ and build/ and uploaded them to Zapier.

Log in and visit Zap editor to create a Zap with your new integration.

Select Create and search for your app name as the trigger app. Select it and choose the “New Recipe” trigger, where you can see the label and description that was defined in module.exports.

See the input field "style" and fill it out.

Run the trigger test and the listRecipes function associated with the trigger runs, making the API request and returning the result to Zapier.

Use the zapier logs --type=http command to see the HTTP requests Zapier made.

zapier logs --type=http

# The logs of your app "Example App" listed below.
# ┌────────┬────────┬────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┬───────────────┬─────────┬──────────────────────────────────────┬───────────────────────────┐
# │ Status │ Method │ URL                                                    │ Querystring   │ Version │ Step                                 │ Timestamp                 │
# ├────────┼────────┼────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┼───────────────┼─────────┼──────────────────────────────────────┼───────────────────────────┤
# │ 200    │ GET    │ │ style=italian │ 1.0.0   │ a9055e16-fc0d-4fb2-a3e6-9d442d1f70e8 │ 2016-09-13T15:11:30-05:00 │
# └────────┴────────┴────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┴───────────────┴─────────┴──────────────────────────────────────┴───────────────────────────┘
#   Most recent logs near the bottom.

5. Add authentication

Authentication is crucial to interacting with most APIs. Zapier supports a number of different authentication schemes. In this example, you are going to set it up to include an API Key in a header.

For different types of authentication, see these example apps:

Define the authentication section for the example app you’ve built.

In index.js, add the following to module.exports:

  authentication: {
    type: 'custom',
    fields: [{ key: 'apiKey', type: 'string' }],
    test: (z, bundle) => {
      const promise = z.request(
      return promise.then(response => {
        if (response.status !== 200) {
          throw new Error('Invalid API Key')

The above snippet defines the two required properties of authentication:

  • fields is where we define our auth fields. This works similar to the inputFields of triggers. When users connect their account to Zapier, they’ll be prompted to fill in this field, and the value they enter becomes available in the bundle. Not every authentication type will include inputFields.
  • test is a function used during the account connection process to verify that the user entered valid credentials. The goal of the function is to make an authenticated API request whose response indicates if the credentials are correct. A profile in the connected app, such as a /me endpoint, is a common choice. If valid, the test function can return anything. On invalid credentials, the test needs to raise an error.

Next, make sure the API key is included in all the requests your app makes.

In index.js, edit the file to include:

// Add this helper function above `module.exports`: 
const addApiKeyToHeader = (request, z, bundle) => {
  request.headers['MY-AUTH-HEADER'] = ``
  return request

// module.exports = ...

The helper function addApiKeyToHeader, adds the user-provided API key as a request header called MY-AUTH-HEADER. The name chosen is illustrative, the header would be whatever the API you are integrating with requires. Sometimes, an API would require it in a query parameter instead of a header, and/or encoded first. You’ll want to reference the API documentation for the expected format.

Finally, to ensure the helper function takes effect, it needs to be registered in the app.

In index.js, edit module.exports to also include:

  beforeRequest: [
    addApiKeyToHeader // new line of code

beforeRequest is a list of functions that are called before every HTTP request that uses z.request or the default perform function. It lets you add headers, query params, or whatever is needed to be within all outbound requests. With this addition, every HTTP request will now have the API key added in a header.

To check progress, re-push the app.

zapier push

Go back to your Zap at []( It will now have a new ‘Account’ item in your ‘New Recipe’ trigger.

Add an account by entering any value you like for the API key, the mock API does not care.

As soon as you add the account, Zapier will run your app’s authentication.test function to confirm the credentials are valid.

We can verify the header is present in the request by looking at the logs again.

zapier logs --type=http --detailed --limit=1

# The logs of your app "Example App" listed below.
# ┌─────────────────────┬────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┐
# │ Status              │ 200                                                                                    │
# │ Method              │ GET                                                                                    │
# │ URL                 │                                      │
# │ Querystring         │                                                                                        │
# │ Version             │ 1.0.0                                                                                  │
# │ Step                │                                                                                        │
# │ Timestamp           │ 2016-09-16T15:57:51-05:00                                                              │
# │ Request Headers     │ user-agent: Zapier                                                                     │
# │                     │ MY-AUTH-HEADER: :censored:6:b1af149262:                                                │
# │ Request Body        │                                                                                        │
# │ Response Headers    │ server: Cowboy                                                                         │
# │                     │ connection: close                                                                      │
# │                     │ x-powered-by: Express                                                                  │
# │                     │ access-control-allow-origin: *                                                         │
# │                     │ access-control-allow-methods: GET,PUT,POST,DELETE,OPTIONS                              │
# │                     │ access-control-allow-headers: X-Requested-With,Content-Type,Cache-Control,access_token │
# │                     │ content-type: application/json                                                         │
# │                     │ content-length: 59                                                                     │
# │                     │ etag: "-80491811"                                                                      │
# │                     │ vary: Accept-Encoding                                                                  │
# │                     │ date: Fri, 16 Sep 2016 20:57:51 GMT                                                    │
# │                     │ via: 1.1 vegur                                                                         │
# │ Response Body       │ [{"id":"1","createdAt":1473801403,"userName":"userName 1"}]                            │
# └─────────────────────┴────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┘

You can see from the detailed log that the request included our auth header. The value appears as :censored:6:b1af149262:, which is intentional. Zapier does not log authentication credentials in plain text.

6. Invite team members to help manage your integration

Share your integration with your team of fellow developers so it shows up in their developer dashboard.

From the Zapier CLI, run: zapier team:add admin to invite a team member as an admin for the app.


zapier team:add collaborator to invite a team member as a collaborator for the app.

Replace the example email address with the user you want to invite.

7. Share users to your integration

Once you have at least one trigger or action, you’ll want to share your integration with some of your users. Early feedback helps make sure you’re building functionality that will be used.

From the Zapier CLI, run: zapier users:add 1.0.0 to email this user to let them view and use the app version 1.0.0 in their Zaps.

Replace the example email address with the user you want to invite. You’ll see a confirmation prompt, type Y.

The alternative way to invite anyone to use your app in their Zaps is via a link to the app. Run zapier users:links to see a public sharing link per specific version or a link to all versions. The link looks something like You can put this in your help docs, post it to your website, add it to your email campaign, etc. Access shared via these links cannot be revoked once shared with your users.

8. Modify your integration

If you need to make any changes to your integration in a new version. Versions helps to track and manage changes to your integration over time.

Public integrations or private integrations with more than 5 users require a new version to make any edits. It is still recommended to make changes for private integrations with fewer than 5 users in a new version as well and consider Zapier’s best practices when doing so.

Integrations created with the Platform CLI cannot be edited in the Platform UI. You can’t add triggers or actions, edit code or configurations - these options will be grayed out in the UI.

The following details of your CLI integration can be managed from the UI if preferred:

  • Invite team members
  • Monitor integration usage
  • Submit your integration to be made publicly available
  • Promote a new integration version to public
  • Migrate users between versions

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