Zapier Platform Docs
Develop the best Zapier integration for your app with Zapier’s Platform. You can build private or public integrations using either of our developer tools.
Zapier Platform UI
Zapier Platform UI is the easiest way to build new Zapier integrations in an online visual builder without any coding.
- Try Zapier Platform UI:
- Build a basic integration with the Platform UI Quick Start tutorial
- Learn more in Zapier’s Platform UI Documentation
Zapier Platform CLI
Zapier Platform CLI is the most advanced way to build integrations in your local development environment with your team’s source code management and custom testing.
- Install Zapier Platform CLI and build a sample integration in the CLI Quick Start guide
- Find detailed info on the Zapier Platform in the Zapier Platform Schema from our built-in code docs
- Start quicker with our template Zapier CLI Example Apps
- Learn more in Zapier’s Platform CLI Documentation
Join the Community
Learn from the Zapier team and other Zapier platform developers in our community forum.