Zapier trusted app developers

If you don’t have the time/resources to dedicate towards building and launching your own integration, there are Zapier trusted developers who may be able to assist you. These are individuals/groups who have demonstrated their capabilities by satisfying our requirements for building apps on our Developer Platform, and we recommend as a substitute for building your integration in-house.

Approved trusted Zapier app developers

If you’re looking for help with Zap workflows and not building an app, contact one of our Zapier Experts who can help you out.

Note: If you do work with one of our Zapier trusted developers to develop an app, make sure you develop a plan for continued support and maintenance, either using that developer, or with an in-house team who will take responsibility for the app.

Requirements for Zapier trusted developers

At this time, we are not actively accepting new developers into the program, and we cannot provide a definitive timeline on whether we will do so in the future.

In order to qualify as a Zapier trusted developer, you have demonstrated your capabilities by satisfying the following requirements:

  • Develop and launch two Public apps that meet our Zapier integration branding and design guidelines standards. This ensures that you’re familiar with Zapier development, launch, promotion, and maintenance processes. You are responsible for finding clients who need Zapier integrations built.

  • The apps must have sufficient complexity, which includes a mix/quantity of triggers, actions, searches, and/or scripting. Barring this being present on the public apps, you must demonstrate your competence with these features in another way, perhaps on an invite only app.

  • You are responsive when handling maintenance needs (bug fixes and feature requests), including being receptive to us increasing standards on the Developer Platform and adding new features, or moving to a newer version of the Developer Platform.

  • In order to maintain your listing on this page, you must have continued involvement with the Developer Platform. This can take the form of new Public apps, or significant improvements or bug fixes to existing apps. Developers should have some significant activity every year to continue.

As a developer listed here, you may promote your status within your own channels (website, social media, etc). We will be happy to give feedback on that information, which we expect to appropriately reflect Zapier’s features and your capabilities as a partner.

Need help? Tell us about your problem and we’ll connect you with the right resource or contact support.