Create help documentation for your users

Zapier-hosted help documentation

The Zapier team provide frontline support for your integration, and in order to provide the best experience for your users, help documentation about using your integration in Zaps is hosted in the Zapier Help Center.

Ensure the Zapier Technical Writing team can create accurate documentation by filling out this form. Once submitted, it takes roughly 2 weeks to get help docs published in the Help Center. Optionally include links out to documentation on your app’s site to help customers find the information they are looking for.

As you maintain and add functionality to your integration, use the same form to submit updates at any time to the Technical Writing team. When adding Zapier logos on any help documentation or pages in your app, access the up-to-date branding assets here.

Self-hosted help documentation

Step-up your documentation game. Implementing these essential strategies and tips can ensure that your audience gets the assistance they need, seamlessly.

Speak your user’s language

  • Identify your integration’s target audience and tailor your help docs to their level of technical expertise
  • Consider the common questions, pain points, and use cases your users might have

Organize content effectively

  • Structure your help docs in a logical manner, with categories, subcategories, and search functionality for easy navigation
  • Use descriptive headings and bullet points to break down complex topics into bite-sized pieces
  • Create a table of contents for quick reference

Check Buffer’s simple yet effective way of breaking down topics.

Keep help docs clear and concise

  • Use plain language and avoid technical jargon whenever possible
  • Break down complex concepts into simple steps and provide examples or screenshots to illustrate key points
  • Write in an active voice to keep the content engaging and easy to understand

Leverage your user Community

  • Encourage community engagement from users who have successfully resolved similar issues
  • Community-contributed answers help leverage social proof. When users see that their peers have found solutions helpful, this adds authenticity and credibility to your help docs
  • Highlighting real user experiences demonstrates that your documentation isn’t just theoretical— bolstering users’ confidence in its effectiveness.

Screenshot showing Square's Seller Community

Anticipate user needs

  • Include troubleshooting guides, FAQs, and best practices to address common issues and optimize user experience
  • Link related articles together to provide a seamless learning experience

Offer multiple formats

  • Formats such as text-based articles, video tutorials, and interactive demos will help cater to different learning preferences and experiences
  • Ensure that all formats are easily accessible and mobile-friendly for users on the go

See how Notion offers a variety of tutorials and documentation in different formats.

Empower user feedback

  • Allow users to rate the helpfulness of your articles and provide comments or suggestions for improvement
  • Monitor user feedback regularly and use it to prioritize updates and improvements to your help docs (and integration)

Screenshot showing buttons to rate an article's helpfulness

Integrate help docs with support channels

  • Integrate your help docs with your customer support channels such as live chat or ticketing systems to provide seamless assistance to users
  • Optionally, link out your documentation to our Zapier-hosted help docs to create a more robust experience

Measure and analyze usage

  • Use analytics tools to track user engagement with your help docs, including page views, search queries, and time spent on each article
  • Use this data to identify areas for improvement and optimize your help docs for a better user experience

Embed Zapier within your help docs

See how Taskade has embedded Zap templates using our Zap template element to help users discover automation inpsiration.

Remember to regularly review and refine your content to ensure it remains accurate, relevant, and helpful to your users.

Need help? Tell us about your problem and we’ll connect you with the right resource or contact support.