
Embed stats

Embedding Zapier into your product allows your users to discover apps that connect with yours, discover automation inspiration, and enables them to sign up for Zapier. Embedding Zapier into your product also allows users to build and edit Zaps without leaving your product.

Zapier’s embed solutions are available for public integrations. To take advantage of our embed solution, first ensure your integration has been published to Zapier’s App Directory. If your integration isn’t yet published, learn more about submitting your integration for review.

Users can extend the power of your app when Zapier looks like an extension of your product, not a separate service with a separate sign-up page. The tools we offer let you create an integrated journey from start to finish.

If you prefer to have a video overview of embedding Zapier in your product, see below

To help your integration become more visible, try one or all of these options to begin connecting your users with Zapier’s 6,000+ integrations.

Explore examples of live embeds

Head over to the Partner Embed Gallery to see how other Partners have successfully utilized the various embed tools to showcase their integration, gain more users, and simplify how their users connect their app with thousands of other tools.

Enable users to connect to Zapier faster through accelerated sign-ups

Why? The Quick Account Creation feature allows you to make it easy for your users to sign up for a Zapier account while using your embed tool. How? Seamless user signups = more usage of your integration. Check how Zapier Partner Adalo started using this feature and saw a 40 percent increase in users successfully creating Zaps. And it took less than a day to get set up!

Leverage Zap templates

Why? Zap templates are part of our SEO strategy. This means users can discover them when searching for solutions to their automation needs. Zap templates are also surfaced throughout many of our embed solutions.

How? Create Zap templates for your onboarding docs and blog posts, just as our partner Taskade does. This provides an interactive and easy way for users to start building your suggested workflows.

Dedicated integrations page

Why? A central integrations hub allows users to explore and understand which integrations you connect to and the automation possibilities between their everyday tools and your integration.

How? Ensure the Full Zapier Experience is embedded on a dedicated Integrations page in your user dashboard, like our partner Beamer has done.

Customize with our Partner API

Why? Customize how you present Zapier within your product without sacrificing your app’s look, feel, and flow. You can customize styling, streamline Zap creation, highlight popular use-cases, and more.

How? Embed the Partner API to customize the appearance and functionality of Zapier within your product. This enables you to maintain the look and feel of your app, similar to our partner Jotform.

Add help docs to your integration

Why? Having clear and comprehensive help docs gives users the information they need to effectively use, troubleshoot, and get the most out of their experience from your integration.

How? Submit new or updated help docs via this form for your Public app and they’ll be visible here.

Add tips to your Zap template description for further user guidance, once approved by the Zap template review team.

Share its ease of use with your users

Why? No one knows your audience better than you. Promoting your embed to your audience can attract new customers and help drive adoption.

How? Share an update on X (Twitter) or LinkedIn to let your audience know they can now connect their everyday tools with your integration through the available embed. Check how Buffer lets their audience know about their new features via LinkedIn.

Add new features by category

Why? Whether you’re just starting to scope out a new Zapier integration build or already have a successfully launched one in the Zapier App Directory, it’s helpful to know what features users find the most valuable.

How? Explore recommended integration features to view the top triggers, searches, and actions by category.

Need help? Tell us about your problem and we’ll connect you with the right resource or contact support.