Recommended triggers and actions

Whether you’re just starting to scope out a new Zapier integration build or have successfully launched your app in the Zapier App Directory, it’s helpful to know what features users find the most valuable and are the most widely used across Zapier’s various app categories. Ensuring your integration covers the foundational triggers, actions, and searches applicable to your app will provide more utility to your users.

Top Triggers, Actions, and Searches by App Category

The lists provided do not encompass every possible model or object specific to individual apps. Rather, they represent a more general overview of the most frequently observed ones in each category to serve as a guide to apply to your own app. Remember to maintain consistent terminology between your Zapier integration and app platform so users have a clear connection between the two.

Maybe your CRM platform, refers to new entries as Contacts. On another, they could be called Leads, Clients, Persons, or any term unique to the platform, such as Hoomans or Zaperonis. You may not find Zaperonis listed below, but if you see a similar concept like a New Contact trigger, you can apply the same logic with a New Zaperoni trigger for your integration.

If you don’t see a list for your specific category, there may not have sufficient integrations within it to surface best practices. Reach out to Partner support to request a category.


Triggers Actions Searches Search or Creates
New Payment Create Customer/Contact/Client Find Invoice Find or Create Customer/Client/Contact
New Invoice/Bill Create Invoice/Bill Find Customer/Client/Contact  
New Expense Send Invoice    
New Customer/Contact/Client Create Payment/Sale/Sales Receipt    
New Quote/Estimate      

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Ads & Conversions

Triggers Actions Searches Search or Creates
New Lead/Subscriber/Visit *Send Event/Conversion/Measurement    
New Form Response/Entry Add Contact/Email to List/Audience    

*Be sure your actions cover all types of events or conversions your app supports, such as ‘offline’, ‘lead’, ‘funnel’, etc.

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AI Tools

Triggers Actions Searches Search or Creates
(Chat) New Message Send Prompt    
New Transcription/Recording/Video/Image Ready Request/Generate Image/Transcription/Video/etc.    

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Bookmark Managers

Triggers Actions Searches Search or Creates
New Item/Bookmark Bookmark/Add Page/Item    
New Favorited Item      
New Tagged Item      

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Triggers Actions Searches Search or Creates
New Event/Meeting Create Event Find Event Find or Create Event
Event Started Add Attendee to Event    
Updated Event/Meeting      

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Call Tracking

Triggers Actions Searches Search or Creates
Call Completed      
New Call/Call Started      
Call Tagged      

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Contact Management

Triggers Actions Searches Search or Creates
New Contact/Lead/Person/Company Create Contact/Lead/Person/Company Find Contact/Lead/Person/Company Find or Create Contact/Lead/Person/Company
New Form Submission/Entry Add Contact to Group/Tag/List    
  Update Contact/Lead/Person/Company    

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Customer Support

Triggers Actions Searches Search or Creates
Tag Added to Customer/User/Lead Create Ticket/Request/Conversation Find Customer/User/Lead Find or Create Customer/User/Lead
New Ticket/Request Update Ticket/Request/Conversation Find Ticket/Request/Conversation  
New Customer/User/Lead Add/Remove Tag on User/Ticket/Lead    
New Chat/Message/Conversation Send Message    
New Closed/Finished Conversation Update Customer/User/Lead/Company    
  Add Comment/Note on Ticket/Request    
  Create Customer/User/Lead/Company    

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CRM (Customer Relationship Management)

Triggers Actions Searches Search or Creates
*New Record/Module Entry *Create Record/Module Entry *Find Record/Module Entry *Find or Create Record/Module Entry
New Contact/Lead/Person/Company *Update Record/Module Entry Find Lead/Contact/Person/Company Find or Create Lead/Contact/Person/Company
New Deal/Opportunity/Job/Inquiry Create Contact/Lead/Person/Company Find Deal/Opportunity Find or Create Deal/Opportunity
Tag Added or Removed Update Contact/Lead/Person/Company    
**Updated Record/Module Entry Create Deal/Opportunity    
Updated Deal/Opportunity Status Update Deal/Opportunity    
Updated Lead Status Create Note    
Updated Project Status Add Contact/Lead to Campaign/Group    
  Create Activity/Event    
  Add Tag to X (i.e. Contact, Record, Opportunity)    

*Cover the most popular models of your platform at a minimum. You can create individual triggers, actions, and searches for each model such as, “New Customer”, “New Deal”, “Create Customer”, and “Create Deal”. Or create a singular trigger, action, and search that each support multiple models by requiring users to select which model they’re taking action on via an input field, such as “New Record” and “Create Record”.

**Updated triggers for CRMs are often most useful when users are able to specify which field(s) to watch for updates on, instead of triggering on any and all updates.

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Triggers Actions Searches Search or Creates
New Record/Row Create Record/Row Find Record/Row Find or Create Record/Row
Updated Record/Row Update Record/Row    

*Zapier searches automatically return only the first result in the response. To return multiple results, return the set of results as an array of objects under a descriptive key.

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Triggers Actions Searches Search or Creates
New Document Create Document (from template) Find Document Find or Create Document
Document Completed/Signed Add to Document    
Document Status Updated      
Document Sent      

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Drip Email

Triggers Actions Searches Search or Creates
New Subscriber/Prospect Add/Remove Tag from Subscriber/Lead/Prospect/Contact Find Subscriber/Lead/Prospect/Contact Find or Create Subscriber/Lead/Prospect/Contact
New Tagged Subscriber Create Subscriber/Lead/Prospect/Contact    
New Unsubscribe Update Subscriber/Lead/Prospect/Contact    
New Reply Add Subscriber/Lead/Prospect/Contact to Sequence/Campaign/List/Audience    

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Triggers Actions Searches Search or Creates
New Order/Purchase/Sale Create Order Find Order Find or Create Customer
New Paid Order/Payment Received Create Customer Find Customer  
Abandoned Cart Create Product Find Product  
New Customer      

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Triggers Actions Searches Search or Creates
New Email Matching Search Send Email Find Email Find or Create Email
New Email Create Draft Email   Find or Create Contact
New Labeled/Tagged/Starred Email Create Contact    
New Attachment      

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Email Newsletters

Triggers Actions Searches Search or Creates
New Subscriber/Contact in List/Audience/Tag Create Subscriber/Contact Find Subscriber/Contact Find or Create Subscriber/Contact
New Subscriber/Contact Send Email/Campaign    
Email Opened/Link Clicked Add/Subscribe Contact to List/Audience/Tag    
  Update Subscriber/Contact    

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Event Management

Triggers Actions Searches Search or Creates  
New Registrant/RSVP Create Attendee/Add Registrant      
New Order/Booking/Ticket Create Event      
New Event Create Event      
New Attendee/Contact/Lead        

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File Management & Storage

Triggers Actions Searches Search or Creates
New File in Folder Upload File Find File Find or Create Folder
New Folder Create Folder Find Folder  
New File Create File    
Updated File Move File    

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Forms & Surveys

Triggers Actions Searches Search or Creates
New Entry/Form Response/Submission Create Entry/Form Response/Submission Find Entry/Form Response/Submission  
New Lead Send Form    

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Triggers Actions Searches Search or Creates
New Donation/Transaction/Pledge Create Member/Donor/Contact Find Member/Donor/Contact Find or Create Member/Donor/Contact
New Member/Donor/Contact Create Donation/Transaction/Pledge    

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Marketing Automation

Triggers Actions Searches Search or Creates
New Contact/Lead/Subscriber Create Contact/Lead/Subscriber Find Contact/Lead/Subscriber Find or Create Contact/Lead/Subscriber
New Contact in List/Audience/Segment Create Opportunity/Deal/Order Find Deal  
Tag Added/Removed from Contact/Lead/Subscriber Update Opportunity/Deal    
Updated Deal/Pipeline Stage Update Contact/Lead/Subscriberv    
New Order/Purchase/Sale Add Contact/Lead/Subscriber to Campaign/List/Group    
New Form Entry/Submission Add/Remove Tag fro Contact/Lead/Subscriber    
Updated Contact/Lead/Subscriber      

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Triggers Actions Searches Search or Creates
New Note Create Note    
New Note in Notebook/Section/Tag Append to Note    

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Triggers Actions Searches Search or Creates
New Notification/Message Send Notification/Message    

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Online Courses

Triggers Actions Searches Search or Creates
New Order/Sale/Purchase/Subscription Enroll User/Add User to Course Find User/Student Find or Create User/Student
New Enrollment Create Credentials/Grant Access/Issue Credentials    
Course/Lesson Completed Subscribe User to List/Add User to Group    
New User/Student Unenroll User/Student    

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Payment Processing

Triggers Actions Searches Search or Creates
New Payment or Payment Paid Create Customer Find Invoice/Payment/Transaction Find or Create Customer
New Subscription/Order/Sale/Transaction/Invoice Create Payment Link (if applicable) Find Customer  
New Customer Update Customer Find Subscription  
Canceled Subscription/Order/Sale      
Failed Payment      
New Refund      

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Phone & SMS

Triggers Actions Searches Search or Creates
New SMS/Message Received Send SMS/Message Find Contact (by phone number) Find or Create Contact
New Call Create Contact    
New Recording Update Contact    
Call Completed Call Phone Number    

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Product Management

Triggers Actions Searches Search or Creates
New Feedback/Form Submitted/Request Create Note/Feature/Task/Idea    
New Note/Comment      

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Project Management

Triggers Actions Searches Search or Creates
New Task/Item/Issue Create Task/Item/Issue Find Task/Item/Issue Find or Create Task/Item/Issue
Task/Item/Issue Status Changed Update Task/Item/Issue Find User Find or Create Project/Board
New Label/Tag on Task/Item/Issue Add Comment/Note to Task/Item/Issue Find Project/Board  
Completed Task/Item/Issue      
New Event/Activity      
Updated Task/Item/Issue      

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Proposal & Invoice Management

Triggers Actions Searches Search or Creates
Proposal/Estimate/Quote Accepted Create Client/Contact/Lead Find Client/Contact/Lead Find or Create Client/Contact/Lead
Proposal Signed Create Proposal/Estimate/Quote Find Proposal/Estimate/Quote  
Proposal Won Create Invoice    
Proposal Sent Create Project    
New Proposal/Estimate/Quote      

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Scheduling & Booking

Triggers Actions Searches Search or Creates
New Client/Customer Create Client/Customer Find Booking/Appointment Find or Create Client
New Booking/Appointment Create Booking/Appointment/Request/Job    
New Cancellation      
Rescheduled Booking/Appointment      

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Server Monitoring

Triggers Actions Searches Search or Creates
New or Updated Ticket/Request/Incident Create Alert Find Ticket/Request/Incident  
New Alert Create Ticket/Request    

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Triggers Actions Searches Search or Creates
Document/Contract Sent *Create Document/Contract Find Document/Contract  
Document/Contract Completed Send Signature Request    
Document/Contract Signed      

*Create Document/Contract actions typically allow for users to select a template in the action’s setup.

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Social Media Accounts

Triggers Actions Searches Search or Creates
New Post/Message/Media (by me) Create Post/Message/Media    
New Post/Message/Media      

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Triggers Actions Searches Search or Creates
New Row Create/Add Row Find Row Find or Create Row
Updated Row Create Row(s) Find Row(s) (with line-item support)  
  Update Row    

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Task Management

Triggers Actions Searches Search or Creates
New Task Create Task Find Task Find or Create Task
  Update Task    

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Team Chat

Triggers Actions Searches Search or Creates
New Message in Channel Send Channel Message Find User (by email, name, username)  
New Reaction on Message Send Direct/Private Message    

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Time Tracking Software

Triggers Actions Searches Search or Creates
New Time Entry Start Time Entry Find Client Find or Create Client
New Time Entry/Timer Started Create Time Entry   Find or Create Project
  Create Project    
  Create Client    
  Create Task    

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Transactional Emails

Triggers Actions Searches Search or Creates
Failed Delivery *Send Email    
Bounced Email      
Open/Clicked Event      

*Send Email actions often allowed users to select and use a template in the action’s setup.

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Triggers Actions Searches Search or Creates
New Transcript Create Transcription/Upload Audio or File    

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Video & Audio

Triggers Actions Searches Search or Creates
New Video (in Channel/Playlist) Upload Video Find Track  
New Track in Playlist/Saved Track Add Listener/Subscriber    
  Add Track to Playlist    

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Video Conferencing

Triggers Actions Searches Search or Creates
New Recording Create/Add Registrant    
New Registrant Create Meeting    

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Triggers Actions Searches Search or Creates
New Registration/Registrant Create Registration/Registrant Find Registrant  
New Attendee or Webinar/Event Joined Register to an Event Find Session  
Attendee Stays Until/% of time      

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Website Builders

Triggers Actions Searches Search or Creates
New Form Submission/Review/Message Create Post/Content    
New Member/User/Lead Create/Invite User/Member    
New Post/Content      

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